Friday 11 December 2009

rippowam dreaming

Eija-Liisa Ahtila, Where is Where?, 2008. Written and directed by Eija-Liisa Ahtila.

I find this such a beautiful still. There was an empty house near mine growing up. Well, at least it was mostly empty, the family came back from France a few times a year at unpredictable moments. It had acres of beautiful gardens and an empty pool, in the days before pool fences became a not-negotiable. In winter it would fill up with water and leaves and slime and it had the feel of this still photo. There was always the fear that we'd hear a car come up the driveway as we were mucking around flicking slime at one another. It added to the thrill. I walked down there the last time I was home. It's now a perfectly functioning pool, with fence. Bummer.

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